Speaking of Fred Thompson

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Politico’s Mike Allen reports that Fred Thompson is beefing up his foreign policy cred by giving a speech in London and having his picture taken with Margaret Thatcher:

Thompson’s advisers aim to use the London events to bolster his foreign policy credentials and elevate him above the increasingly contentious fray of the GOP race.

On Wednesday, he will pose for photos with Thatcher, which his advisers hope will enhance his support among devotees of former President Ronald Reagan.

It’s been nearly two decades since Thatcher retired, and much has happened since then, but apparently, she still retains an iconic appeal with the Republican base. The last time I recall a high-profile Republican seeking a noteworthy audience with her, the pol in question was Tom DeLay, and the trip was arranged by Jack Abramoff as an opportunity to play a little golf in Scotland:

DeLay’s office maintains the Congressman did important work on the trip, the highlight of which was a meeting with conservative icon Margaret Thatcher. The long-retired British Prime Minister regaled DeLay with an account of her efforts to end the cold war more than a decade earlier.

Commenter Terrapin asks:

I am curious as to whether you think that giving a speech in London and having a picture taken with Margaret Thatcher qualifies as ‘foreign policy’ experience?

This post was meant to be *ironic.* I’ve gotta quit posting from medical leave.