Re: Dan Bartlett Resigns

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It’s hard to tell from Jay’s post, but if you click through, you’ll see Dan has officially given “spend more time with my family” as his departure line:

With twin, 3-year-old boys and another son born in January, Bartlett said it was time to pursue a new chapter of his life and “reacquaint myself with my family.” His wife, Allyson, had joked that they should name their newborn “Exit Strategy.”

As as far as “wingnut welfare” goes, his first step in the private sector was to reach across the aisle:

Bartlett said he was open to job opportunities and had retained Washington attorney Bob Barnett to help him in the search.

Barnett is, of course, the Lawyer to the Famous-for-DC and a longtime Democratic consultant (most amusingly known for playing Cheney in Dem debate prep). One supposes he’ll have even more insight for the next time he plays that role.

UPDATE: By “plays that role,” I meant “that of the VP,” but I suppose he could also play Cheney in the prep for the debates that happen when the GOP reanimates Cheney in 2016.